Filip Dewinter vandaag in Londen voor speech voor Tommy Robinson aan zijde van Geert Wilders
Vandaag reist Filip Dewinter naar Londen om daar te speechen aan de zijde van Geert Wilders. (lees hier) en een aantal andere politici, waaronder Janice Atkinson (Europarlementslid en Vice-President van onze fractie ‘Europe of Nations and Freedom’) (lees hier). Dit weekend vinden daar immers massa-demonstraties plaats om Tommy Robinson te steunen. Raheem Kassam, activist en auteur van het boek ‘No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You’ is een van de organisatoren.
Robinson is een jonge anti-islamactivist en -auteur afkomstig uit de arbeidersklasse die door het establishment wordt geviseerd en is veroordeeld en gevangengenomen, en die door sociale media het zwijgen is opgelegd. Reden: Robinson is islamkritisch en wil de islamitische verkrachtingsbendes (‘grooming gangs’) aankaarten die duizenden minderjarige niet-islamitische meisjes hebben misbruikt, uitgebuit, geprostitueerd en verkracht. Die ‘seksjihad’ is immers al decennia aan de gang en werd door het establishment onder de mat geveegd, zie bijvoorbeeld het boek ‘Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal’ van Peter McLoughlin. Er is wereldwijd veel verontwaardiging over het kaltstellen van Robinson en over het orwelliaanse karakter van zijn arrestatie én de strafmaat. Heel wat prominente Britse journalisten, activisten en politici zullen dit weekend dan ook deelnemen aan de massa-demonstraties in Londen.
Afspraak om 15u: Whitehall, Westminster, London.
Hieronder vindt u Filip Dewinters speech: ‘#FreeTommyRobinson: We must break the silence’.
#FreeTommyRobinson: We must break the silence
Dear friends,
As a member of Belgian and European parliament for more than 30 years, it is my job and my duty to stand here with all of you today to witness and to fight for what I know is right.
It’s an honour for me to be here and to defend Tommy Robinson and the freedom of speech. Today we are all Tommy Robinson. If Tommy Robinson is silenced and jailed so are we and so is everybody who is fighting against mass-immigration, Islamization and multiculturalism.
Dear friends,
We must break the silence! Tommy Robinson is silenced because he tells the unconcealed truth about the failure of multiculturalism. He is persecuted because he drew attention to “Muslim grooming gangs” and “rape squads”. He is locked up because he speaks up about the true nature of Islam.
Freedom of speech isn’t some luxury that can be set aside at the first hint of offense taken by religious groups. Freedom of speech is the keystone of our western civilization, of scientific discovery, of wealth and of democracy; without it, our European civilisation would collapse.
Dear friends,
By locking up an Islam critical activist such as Tommy Robinson behind bars, we bend and fold for the undemocratic Islam. The judges and politicians who support and defend this decision are collaborating with the enemy. And the enemy, my friends, is Islam because the Quran is a military manual to wage war against the West and a license to kill.
By silencing Tommy Robinson, the political elite behaves like dhimmis. They are already submitting to Islam and imposing sharia law.
Islam does not tolerate any freedom of speech. In Islamic culture there is no such thing as freedom of choice. Criticism towards Islam is immediately regarded as blasphemy. The so-called divine Islamic law is eternal and unchangeable. Innovation – “bidah” in Arabic – is unthinkable. And when a Muslim dares to turn his back on his religion, there is only one punishment: the death penalty. As a result, Islam is a fundamental negation of humanism and Enlightenment, hallmarks of our Western civilization. We have to stop the Islamic colonisation of Europe because freedom ends where Islam begins!
Mass-immigration has become the Trojan Horse of Islam in Europe. The dogmas of multiculturalism are imposed by the establishment to Europeans. Restrictive laws are used in several countries to silence people like Tommy Robinson that criticize Islam. Fundamental freedoms are curtailed, not to protect our countries from the threat of Muslim fundamentalism and terrorism, but to tackle so-called “racists”.
Dear friends,
When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say. Tommy Robinson is a modern Braveheart, not a right-wing hooligan but a civil right hero who could help prevent the Islamic hostile takeover of the West. There is only one response to the prosecution, the intimidation and the silencing: stand, men of the West and fight (in a non-violent way)! Because we will not be silenced. We will not bend. We will never give in.
Defend the freedom of speech!
Free Tommy!